-To assist potential new clients to find the Top 10 Attorney in their area, Attorneys are listed by region, area, or city for this State.

–Casey R. Baxter
Baxter Harder LLC
404 SW Columbia St.
Ste 150
Bend, Oregon 97702
Phone: 541-323-8882

-Lissa Casey
401 East 10th
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-338-9111

-Justin Rosas
The Law Office of Justin Rosas
10 Crater Lake Ave
Ste 25
Medford, OR 97504
Phone: 541-933-5972

-Jason Short
Gilroy Napoli Short Law Group, LLP
12755 SW 69th Ave
Ste 200
Portland, OR 97223
Phone: 503-747-7198