-To assist potential new clients to find the Top 10 Attorney in their area, Attorneys are listed by region, area, or city for this State.
–Steven Fox 1335 Dublin Rd Ste 205-A Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-569-4919 www.foxcriminaldefense.com
–Joseph Grandinetti 1000 W. Wallings Rd Ste A Broadview Heights, OH 44147 Phone: 440-746-1000 www.rglawohio.com
-Colin Maher The Maher Law Firm 1335 Dublin Rd Ste #214A Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: 614-205-2208 www.columbusdefensefirm.com
–Michael Mills Denny Law Office 371 W First St Dayton, OH 45402 Phone: 937-224-0039 www.daytonduihelp.com
–Eric J. Wilson 109 Oakwood Dr Saint Marys, OH 45885 Phone:419-300-8555